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64 Bill in addition to an act to establish the Cumberland & Oxford Canal Corporation, was read 1st & 2d time & Friday next at ten o'clock assigned for a 3d Reading.

On motion of Mr. Folsom of Eastport, Ordered, That the Committee on contested Elections be requested to report this day, at three o'clock, afternoon, on the Remonstrance of Jarius[?] Came and others against the right of Richard Shapleigh to hold a seat in this House. read & passed.

Petitions of Jacob O. Rogers that authority may be given to the Land Agent to pay certain monies to him. - of Edward Smith that authority may be given to the Land Agent to convey to him certain Land- - of William Vance in relation to the Houlton Road - were severally read & referred to the Committee on State Lands. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Asa Stephens & als, that persons subject to the performance of Military may be exempted from the payment of a poll tax was read & referred to the committee on the militia & military affairs.

Petitions of Benja. Cole that lot No. 23 may be set off from Litchfield to Wales - of John Frieze & als of Township No. 2 to be incorporated as a town- were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of James B. Fiske & als of Bangor to be incorporated as a Boom Corporation, was read & referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Swan of Portland Ordered, That a message be sent to the Senate proposing that the Senators & Representatives meet in convention in