[1824] for concurrence, was read and committed and tomorrow at 9 Oclock assigned for 2nd Reading.
[Bills] Bill additional respecting the Hallowell and Augusta Bank; and, Bill additional respecting the Wiscasset Bank, were severally read once and committed and tomorrow at 9 Oclock assigned for their second reading.
[Petitions referred] Petition of Dudley Fogg and others, was taken from the files and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, and sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
Petition of Nathan Lord and others, Committee of first Parish in Lebanon for leave to sell Ministerial lands, was referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Parishes &c. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
Petition of Nathan Lord and others to have the doings of the first Parish in Lebanon made valid, was read and referred to the Committee on New Trials. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
[Bill] Bill to incorporate Washington Lodge was read twice and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Report on petition] Mr. Dunlap from the Committee on the Petition of the Trustees of China Academy, reported that they have leave to withdraw their Petition. Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.