218 Ordered That when this House adjourns it adjourn until seven oclock this evening.
Evening. Met according to adjournment.
Bill to incorporate the President, Directors & Compant of the Commercial Bank, came the Senate, that body adhering to their vote of this day, referring the same to the next Legislature - The House insist on their former vote, propose a conference & appoint as conferees on the part of the House Messrs Scamman of Saco, Bourne of Kennebunk & Kent of Bangor.
Resolve repealing a Resolve fixing the compensation of certain officers passed March 6th 1829, was read a second time and indefinitely postponed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of the town of Saco & Biddeford came from the Senate that body adhering to their vote referring the same to the next Legislature - The House insist upon their vote passing the same to be engrossed, propose a conference * appoint as Conferees Messrs Scamman of Saco, Bourne of Kennebunk & Kent of Bangor.
Resolve repealing a Resolve fixing the compensation of certain officers passed March 6th 1829, was read a second time and indefinitely postponed. Sent up for concurrene
Resolve in favor of the town of Saco & Biddeford came from the Senate that body adhering to their vote referring the same to the next Legislature - The House insist upon their vote passing the same to be engrossed, propose a conference & appoint as Conferees Messrs Scamman of Saco, Bourne of Kennebunk & Kent of Bangor.
Ordered That when the House adjourns, it adjourn to meet at seven oclock tomorrow morning - read & passed.
Resolve on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives came from the Senate amended for concurrence - and the House recede & concur with the Senate.
Petition of Elizabeth W Careneull for leave to hold read estate was read & on motion referred to the next Legislature. Sent up for concurrence.