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of Massachusetts, for the purpose of opening the Canada road, so called, have been nearly expended, and are found inadequate to effect the completion of the same.

  The appropriation made for opening the road from township number two to Mettanawcook, has been expended, and is found to fall short of furnishing the means of completing said road.
  The road from Baring to Houlton Plantion is not completed agreeably with the contract made with William Vunee, Esqr by the Governor and Council in February 1828; copies of all the papers relating to this contract are herewith transmitted for the consideration of the Legislature. These roads when opened and completed, will be found to have been made at great cost, but with a reasonable expectations that the advantages to be derived from them, will amply repay the expense; and to secure these advantages, it appears necessary, that provision should be made for keeping them in repair while the public lands through which they pass remain unsold.
   The Maps and Statistical views of the State, subscribed for by the Secretary of State, pursuant to the resolve of February 1828, are received, and as a sufficient number remain to be disposed of at the pleasure of the Legislature, I would recommend, that provision be made for furnishing one to each of the United States, This appropriation is due to the States from which we had received similar presents, and is the most eligible mode of obtaining others as they may hereafter be published.
  The existing state of the very important question question relating to out northeastern boundary, furnished an urgent motive for placing in the archives of every State in the Union, a correct map of the territory of this State, as designated by the treaty of 1783.