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but to march into the field. gen. Ludden + his Staff among whom, + not least conspicuous, was Sullivan Andrews, rose over the ground. At noon, some of these [?] companies dined in their tents, + then marches into the village. Mr. Farrar dined one company. In the afternoons, all met in grand parades on the Review ground. I walked up with Persis + Susan [underlined] Mrs. Arrowsmith the children, + tried to see what was to be seen. Military folks + spectators were commingled in many parts of the field. Portland Band excelled all the others, + played finely. When the firing com-menced, I retreated. The last performance was the most in-teresting to me. the marching of the companies by our house with the music of the Portland + Bath Bands. There was a sort of a military, Rowdy, Ball in the evening at Cresy's [?]. There was a very large collec-tion of people in the village: and it was very diffi-cult for strangers to find comfortable accommodations. We lodged 6 of the Bath company. The Captain + some of the most respectable of his men. They were very civil. No accident of any consequence happened, except that some of the Portland boys, last evening, who had probably been a little too intimate with their flasks, frightened Mr. Gideon Cushman's oxen, as they were passing their tents, + Mr. Cushman was thrown under the cart wheel + considerably injured. Rolon [?] Foster stopped the oxen, + pushed one of the military boys. The boy struck Rolon + gave him a black eye. Then Rolon grappled him + lay him prostrate, but this skirmish re-sulted in nothing worthy of further notice. Some of the little conflicts took place during the day of slight importance