Saturday 27th February 1830.
The Senate met according to adjournment.
[Petitions referred.]
Petition of Canton Point Bridge Corporation, for a Lottery to aid in the erection of said Bridge, " - of John Barstow & others, for a Lottery to build a free - Bridge over Sandy River, were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals, in concurrence. " -- of Reuben Buck & others, for a division of the Town of Shapleigh, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Incorporation of Towns, in concurrence. " -- of William R. Kendall & others, for a Law establishing the fees for willing and packing, mackerel, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence. " -- of Ebenezer Hawks [?] 3d, for compensation for certain services, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Claims, in concurrence. "--- of Edward Southwick & others, to be incorporated as a Leather - Manufacturing Company, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Manufactures, in concurrence. " -- of J.R. abbot & others, for a repeal of the Law relating to Fish in the Kennebeck River, " --- of Jacob Southwick , on the same subject, " --- of Ambrose Howard & others, on the same subject were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Interior Fisheries in concurrence.