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(282) Ingalls, Megquier and Steele -8 Mr. Megquier had leave to lay on the table the following Resolutions. [Resolve approving President] Resolved as the sense of the Senate that the Hon. Joshua Hall has discharged his duties as President of the Senate during the present session with integrity and impartiality, and any imputation cast upon his honor are unfounded and unjust. [Resolve relative to Mr. Hinds' Protest] Resolved further, that the Senate have refused to allow a Protest presented this day by Mr. Hinds to be entered on the Journal, because it was signed by three Gentleman, to wit: Abijah Usher Jr., John Bodwell and Nathan D. Appleton, not Members of the Senate. The Question on the passage of said Resolutions having been ordered to be divided so as to take the question on each Resolution separately, and the passage of each being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, the first Resolution passed by the following vote: [Yeas] Yeas Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Meqguier and Steele -7 [Nays] Nays Messrs. Hilton, Hinds Morse and Phelps -4 The Second Resolution passed by the following vote: [Yeas] Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Hall, Hilton, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier and Steele -9 [Nays] Nays Messrs. Hinds & Phelps -2 In pursuance of the Order of the Senate a Message