107 [Notice to the Gov of the election of Joseph S. Jewett Major General] on motion by Mr. Emerson Ordered that the Secretary of State notify the Governor that the Legislature have this day by a concurrent vote of the Senate and House of Representatives elected Joseph S. Jewett of Scarborough in the County of Cumberland Major General of the fifth Division of the Militia of this State. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr. Page from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz
[Bills enacted]
Bill repealing part of an act to incorporate Anson Academy and reviving the residue.
" in addition to an act authorizing the reduction of capital stock of the Waterville Bank
" authorizing the town of Bath to assess a tax on the owners of Dogs
" additional respecting the Winthrop Bank
and the same were passed to be enacted.
Eben Hutchinson Sec.
Friday February 6 1829
[Pet. of Nathaniel Davis & others taken from files] On motion by Mr. Page the petition of Nathl. Davis & others was taken from the files and laid upon the table and the Senate having reconsidered their former vote and referred the same to the Committee on Claims. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Mr. Kingsbury from the Committee on the Judiciary on order of January 31st instructing the Commit-