-mer vote and concurred.
[Bills passed to be engrossed] Bill additional regulating divorces - " extending the provisions of an act incorporating the proprietors of the Kennebunk Pier, as amended - & Bill to incorporate Eastport Savings Bank - were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
Attest, Adjourned Eben Hutchinson Sec.
Tuesday February 10th 1829
[Pet. Joel Wellington] Petition of Jowl Wellington for reduction of price of land purchased by him and that the Land Agent may give a deed was read and referred to the Committee on State Lands in concurrence.
[Pet. Jona Hyde & als] Petition of Jonathan Hyde and others for incorporation of Bath Mutual Fire Insurance Company was read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking in concurrence.
[Resolve & Bill referred to Judiciary Committee] Resolve authorizing the Governor to cause a Gun house to be erected in Farmington and Bill to prevent fraud in conveyance of real estate were read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence.
[Resolve referred] Resolve for the relief of Charles Hogan, Benjamin Jones and John Porter was read and referred to Messrs. Parsons Cushman & Drummond.
Order of the House that Messrs. Shapleigh of Berwick