130 be referred to the Committee on State Lands
[leave to withdraw on Pet. J. Gilmore & als] leave to withdraw on petition of John Gilmore & als and [Bill 1st reading] on the petition of the Proprietors, reported Bill additional to incorporate the Proprietors of Kittery Point Bridge. Read once and tomorrow 10 assigned for a 2nd reading.
[Bill referred] Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Ferry Company was taken up and committed to Messrs. Grover, Kingsbury and Drummond.
[Bills passed to be engrossed] Bill repealing certain parts of the several acts now in force to organize, govern and discipline the Militia " to incorporate the Brunswick Falls Cotten Factory & Bill additional concerning the Municipal Court for the town of Portland were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Petitions referred] Petition of Pelatiah McDonald that land granted for Revolutionary Service may be secured and " of Eliphalet Pettingill & others for a longer time to pay debts due the State were severally referred in concurrence to the Committee on State Lands.
[Pet. J.P. Bradbury] Petition of Jabez P. Bradbury and accompanying papers were taken from the files and sent down.
[Order respecting sale of Real estate for Taxes &c]
Order of the House of Representatives that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a Law regulating the public sale of real estate for taxes so far that the legality of said sale shall not be contested after the term of ---------- years with leave to report by Bill or otherwise was read and passed in concurrence.
[Resolve passed] Resolve in favor of Joel Miller was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as taken into a new draft. s.d.f.c.