Thursday February 17th 1829
[Petitions referred] Petition of Asa Clark & others " of Asa Redington & others } for aid to erect a bridge across Dead River, was referred in concurrence to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals.
[Report prayer not granted] Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on the petition of John Neal and others, that the prayer thereof ought not to be granted and accepted in concurrence.
[Pet: Amos Hill & als] Petition of Amos Hills and others came up recommitted for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[Resolve in favor of Jos. B. Prince] Resolve in favor of Joseph B. Prince came up recommitted to the Committee on Claims with instructions to report a statement of facts for concurrence and the Senate conc.
[Bill making stockholders witnesses] Bill making stockholders competent witnesses in certain cases was read once and tomorrow 10 assigned for a second reading.
[Bill to incorporate Kennebec Fire Insurance Co.] Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Mutual Fire Insurance Company was read once and today at 12 o'clock assigned for a second reading.
[Bills passed to be engrossed] Bill to incorporate the Portland Rifle Cadets and Bill authorizing a further reduction of the capital stock of the Bangor Bank came up amended for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
[Bill concerning Paupers] Bill to ascertain the number, condition and annual expense of Paupers in this came up indefinitely postponed and the Senate adhere to their former vote passing this Bill to be engrossed. sent down.