Mar. 11, 1967
Dear Mrs. Jacob, I'm sending you the eight books that you checked off. Sorry you have missed out on so many. I did put you on my publisher^ list$; but they must have decided to ignore that! I didn't list ANIMAL HIDE AND SEEK because it has been long out of print. But it was the first book i wrote myself, and I'm glad you have a copy. i'hese are all autographed copies. I hope you keep them somewhere on a special shelf, and don't send them out on bookmobiles. Although I'm all for having my books in the bookmobile program. i'hank you also for the copy of North Coun try Libraries with Miss Whalen's article. Another copy reached me just after I wrote you, and I pre sumed you had sent that as well, but I haven't achkowledged it, because I expected a letter from you to follow about the books. It's a very nice write up, and thank Miss Whalen for me, please. Cordially