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Mar. 11, 1967

Dear Mrs. Jacob, I'm sending you the eight books that you checked off. Sorry you have missed out on so many. I did put you on my publisher^ list$; but they must have decided to ignore that! I didn't list ANIMAL HIDE AND SEEK because it has been long out of print. But it was the first book i wrote myself, and I'm glad you have a copy. i'hese are all autographed copies. I hope you keep them somewhere on a special shelf, and don't send them out on bookmobiles. Although I'm all for having my books in the bookmobile program. i'hank you also for the copy of North Coun­ try Libraries with Miss Whalen's article. Another copy reached me just after I wrote you, and I pre­ sumed you had sent that as well, but I haven't achkowledged it, because I expected a letter from you to follow about the books. It's a very nice write up, and thank Miss Whalen for me, please. Cordially