Resolve on the petition of the town of Monson 119. 131. " providing for the purchase and distribution of Greenleaf Reports ------ 12. 124. 140. " in favor of Benjamin Brown ------ 122. 124. \ " in favor oh Joshua Hathaway ------ 122. 124. 148. " laying a Tax on the several Counties in this State 123. 129. 136 " to prevent depredations on the Public Lands 124. 151. 178. 191. " in favor of Jacob Prince ------ 126. " additional favor of Joel Wellington & Sam Whitney 126, 128. 136. " for the benefit of Joel Miller ----- 129. 130. 153. " in favor of Joshua Carpenter ----- 132. 170. 194. " " " " Edward Williams ----- 132. 138. 148. " " " " Tomah Loui ------ 135. 195. 203. 205. " defining the limits of the Plant of Passadunkeag 135. 177. " additional respecting certain settlers on Public Lands 137. 148. " " providing Public Building for the use of the State 142. 143. 153. " in favor of George Littlefield ----- 150. 165. 185. " making appropriation for the purchase of two field pieces for the use of the Artillery} 154. 170. " making an appropriation for the late Warden of the State Prison 155. 158. 191. 205
additional 205. 207.