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134. out Augusta and inserting Waterville and the House refused to sustain the motion. 73 pro 53 con (two thirds being necessary to the majority contemplated by the Rules & Orders.) Mr Goodenow then moved to amend in the second Resolve by striking out the words "December twenty fifth eighteen hundred and twenty three"[underlined] and inserting the words "February the third one thousand eight hundred twenty five"[underlined] which motion prevailed - and then the House adjourned 1/2 past two oclock this afternoon.

Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

Petition of Luther Fitch, Judge of the Municipal Court for the town of Portland for an increase of Salary, was read and referred to the select committee of both Houses on the subject of Salaries. Sent up for concurrence

Resolve for establishing a new Representative District in the County of Washington, reported by a committee appointed under the order of 28th January last, was read & ordered to lie on the table.

Resolve establishing the seat of Government, was called up and passed to be engrossed as amended this forenoon. Sent up for concurrence.

The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed Bill - to incorporate the St Croix Steam Navigating Company - - to enlarge & extend the powers of the Proprietors of Somerset Bridge - - to incorporate the Kennebunk Water Power Manufacturing Company which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence

The same committee reported as duly engrossed, Resolve on the petition of Jabez P Bradbury - which was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.