246 was read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures in concurrence with the Senate.
Petition of Abraham Morrill and others to annex a part of the Town of Plymouth to the Town of [?] Chanatersville and County of Penobscot was read and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of Carlow's Island Bridge was read first and second time and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a third reading. Bill to divide the town of Berwick and to incorporate the easterly past thereof, into a town by the name of North Berwick was read first and second time and Tuesday next at eleven o'clock for a third reading.
Bill to establish the Kennebec Boom Corporation was taken up and ordered to lie on the table.
The House resumed the consideration of the Resolve making further appropriation for erecting the Public Buildings and concurred with the Senate in striking out the 2nd resolve, nonconcur as to the residue of the amendments proposed by the Senate and further amend the Resolve as follows, to wit, Strike out all after the word "Resolved" in the first Resolve to the 12th line and insert in place thereof the words contained on sheet annexed marked 12 in the third Resolve line 3rd fill the blank with the words " thirty thousand four hundred and thirty four