186 and others. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
[pet. Selectmen of the town of Hollis] Mr. Dennett from the Committee on Incorporation of towns reported an order of notice on the petition of the Selectmen of the town of Hollis. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
Mr. Grover from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied viz [Bill Waterville Bank] Bill authorizing the reduction of the capital stock of the Waterville Bank [" public lands] " to promote the sale and settlement of public Lands [" Bow College] " to incorporate the Athenaean Society of Bowdoin College [" Fishing Mt. Desert] " additional regulating the fishery of Alewives in the town of Mt. Desert. [" B. Woodbury &als from Buckfield to Paris] " to set off Benjamin Woodbury and others from Buckfield to Paris [" Lit. F.W. College] " to incorporate the Literary Fraternity of Waterville College [" town of Chandlerville] to incorporate the town of Chandlerville [" divide town of Bristol] " to divide the town of Bristol and incorporate the town of Bremen ["Penobscot Indians] " concerning the Penobscot tribe of Indians [" town of Baileyville] " to incorporate the town of Baileyville ["Mosaic Lodge] Bill to incorporate the Mosaic Lodge and the same were passed to be enacted. and the Bills were presented to the Governor for his approbation and signature. Adjourned Attest, Eben Hutchinson, Sec.