accepted, Sent down for concurrence.
On motion by Mr. Cutler, ordered that the Secretary of the Senate and the Committee on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives, be directed to make up the Pay Rolls of their respective Houses including Monday next. Sent down for concurrence. [Order - Pay Roll]
On motion by Mr. Balkam, Ordered that the Secretary pf the Senate be made up on the Pay Roll of the Senate, twenty additional days as compensation for filing the papers and completing the Journal of the present session.
[Order - additional pay to Secretary of the Senate]
On motion by Mr. Williams, Ordered that when the Senate adjourn, they meet again at seven o clock this evening and that a Message now go to the House of Representatives informing them thereof. [Order - Adjourn to 7 o clock evening]
Evening Resolve providing for a loan of Fifteen thousand Dollars was read once, ordered to a second reading again read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House of Representatives, and also Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to make a loan of money. [Resolve - loan of 15,000 Dollars]
Bill additional for the relief of Poor Debtors came up amended, and the Senate the amendments proposed in part and reject others and pass the bill to be engrossed and thus amended. Sent down for concurrence. [Bill -relief of Poor Debtors]
Resolve in favor of Charles S. Davies came up in a new draft, which the Senate adopted and passed the Resolve to be engrossed as taken into this new draft in concurrence. Resolve - Chas. S. Davis]
Bill additional to secure to owners their property in Logs, Masts, Spars and other timber in the Schoodic & St. Croix Rivers [Bill - owners of logs, masts &c Rivers]