213 amended. The yeas and nays were ordered and stood as follows Yeas Messrs. Emery, Kavanagh, Richardson, Miller, Herrick and Weston 6 Nays Messrs. Sweat, Meguier, Mace, Shaw, Balkam, Williams, Cutler, Cushman, Washburn, Grover and Parsons 11 The Senate adhere to their former vote . Sent down for concurrence. concurred. [Yeas & Nays]
Bill additional for the assessment of taxes having been sent down at the request of the House, came up referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the Senate concurred. [Bill - assessment of Taxes]
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied viz
Resolve in favor of Charles Miller & Jesse Rowell,
" on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives and the same were
finally passed
[Resolve - C. Miller &al
" Pay Roll of Sen.
" Pay Roll of House]
And these Resolves were presented to the Governor , for his approbation and signature.
Mr. Cushman from the Committee appointed to wait on the Governor, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them and that the Governor was pleased to say that he would forthwith make a Communication by the Secretary of State, after which he had no further communication to make. [Report of Com. to wait upon Gov.]
The Secretary of State came in and read the titles of One hundred and seventeen Acts and Sixty four Resolves, which had been approved by the Governor [Titles of Acts & Resolves read read by Secy of State] being