265 Ordered that the Roll of the House be called each morning precisely at 8 o'clock. Resolve - respecting the dividing line between Hollis and Lyman was taken up and the House having received the report of their conferees Ordered the Resolve to be committed to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns in concurrence with the Senate. Mr. Spinney of Elliot has leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the session. Mr. Eaton of Winslow has leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the session. Resolve - additional in relation to the Mattanawcook Road laid on the table by Mr. Deane of Ellsworth was read and committed to the committee on the Judiciary - sent up for concurrence. Bill - additional to provide for the Education of Youth was taken up and referred to Messrs. Dummer of Hallowell, Perkins of Kennebunk Port and Barnard of Alna. Resolve in favor of Benjamin Knight was read a second time and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence. Resolve in favor of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary read a first time and Tuesday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on an order relative to "obliging the inhabitants of incorporated towns to keep in continuance the corner bounds of lots and plots of land" that Legislation on that subject is not expedient was read and accepted in concurrence