Monday 18th January 1830-
The Senate met according to adjournment.
[Secretary appeared & qualified]
Edward Kavanaugh appeared, signified his acceptance of the office of Secretary of the Senate, and took and subscribed oaths required by the Constitution, to qualify him to discharge the duties of said office, before Horatio Southgate Esq, thereinto duly authorized by Dedimus potestatem.
[Remonstrance of G. Smith]
Remonstrance of George Smith, Town Clerk of Readfield, against the legality of the votes given in said town for governor, was read and referred to the committed who have under consideration the votes for Governor &c, in concurrence with the House.
The Senate adjourned -
The Senate met according to adjournment.
[Rules & orders reported.]
Mr Dunlap from the committee appointed to draft Rules and Orders for the government of the Senate, Made a Report, Which, on motion by Mr Phelps, was ordered to lie on the table.
The Senate adjourned.
Edward G Kavanagh Secretary -