(45) Ingalls, Megquier and Steele - 8 [Nays] Nays Messrs. Drummond, Gardner, Healey, Hilton, Hinds, Kingsbury, Morse & Phelps -8 [Motion to commit report of Senatorial Returns] Mr. Megquier moved that all that part of the report of the Committee appointed to examine the returns of votes for Senators, which has not been accepted, be recommitted to the same Committee. The Question on this motion being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the negative as follows; [yeas] Yeas Messrs. Davee, Dunlap, Hall, Hutchinson, Hutchings, Ingalls, Megquier & Steele -8 [nays] Nays Messrs. Drummond, Gardner, Healey, Hilton, Hinds, Kingsbury, Morse & Phelps -8 [Message from House read] Mr. Megquier moved that the written Message received from the House of Representatives in the forenoon session of this day and laid on the table, be taken up and read, and on motion by the same Gentleman, Ordered, that the question on this motion be taken from yeas and nays.
After debate, and before the question was taken up, The Senate adjourned. Attest Edward Kavanagh Secretary