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[1825 February 26.]

as amended: sent down for concurrence. -


Resolve for the payment of engrossing Clerks and other persons,” came up, and the House insist upon their former vote by which they amended the same; The Senate recede from their former vote, concur the House in their amendment, adopt a further amendment, and now pass the same to be engrossed: - sent down for concurrence: concurred. -


Mr. Dunlap from the Committee of Conference, on the “Bill in addition to the Act to secure rent to lessors of house lots and Mill privileges,” reported that the committees had agreed to recommend to each branch to recede from their former votes upon the same: Read and accepted. -

[Bills enacted]

The Committee on engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied, viz. -

Bill to change the names of certain persons,”

Bill additional to an Act to promote the sale and settlement of Public Lands,” and

Bill in addition to an Act respecting Pounds, and impounding Beasts going at large or damage feasant;”

And they were passed to be enacted:


[Resolves passed]

Resolve for the payment of contingent expenses,”

Resolve authorizing the Land Agent, in conjunction with the Agent on the part of Massachusetts, to examine into the claims of the two States to certain lands,”

Resolve agreeing to the proposals of the American Asylum”,
