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�1st Sergeant John N.[?] Sherwood of co. "E" to be 1st Lieut. of co. "G," vice Chamberlain promoted.

    1st Sergeant Hiram Morse[?] of co "J"[?]to be 2d Lieut. of co. "J,"[?] vice Besse promoted.

The other vacancies I do not propose at present to fill; as I am very desirous that all candidates for commissions should be thoroughly tried, & I only recommend when I feel sure of the worthiness of the persons proposed.

           Commissions for Capt. Spear[?] as Major, & Lieut Besse as Capt. were received at the Head Quarters in my agsence.
    During this absence the Regiment was in command of Capt. A.M.  Clark, the senior officer on duty (Capt. Spear not having been mustered in as Major), & who, I am gratified to believe, spares no exertion to discharge his duties with fidelity.
    It gives me great plesure to say that Lieut. Co. Gilmore, of whose services & society we have been for a long time deprived,