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[163] after the debate was laid on the table

[bills assigned for second reading] an act regulating the taking of fish on sheepscot river by the committee on interior fisheries and an act additional regulating judicial process and proceedings reported by the joint standing committee on the judiciary were severally read once and saturday next and at eleven o clock assigned for a second reading [bill to incorporate Strouts Point Wharf Company] an Act to incorporate the Strouts Pointy wharf company, reported by the committee on turnpikes bridges and canals was read once and tomorrow at 3leven o clock in the forenoon assigned for a second reading

[Bills assigned for second reading] An act to incorporate the Woolwich ferry company reported by the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals and

An act establishing a literary institution in westbrook reported by the committee on literary institutions, were severally read once and monday next at eleven o clock assigned for a second reading

[Report of Committee on Public buildings taken up] The report on the committee on public buildings was taken up and after some debate the further consideration of the subject was postponed until half past nine o clock tomorrow morning

[Resolve, Anson Academy] Resolve in aid of the Anson Academy reported by the Joint Standing Committee on Literary Institutions was read once and Saturday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.

[Bill establishing Brusnwick & Topsham Atheneum]

An act establishing the Brunswick & Topsham Atheneum was read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed sent down for concurrence.