[Titles of Resolves]
Resolve respecting Etna Bridge in the town of Etna. -
Resolve in addition to a Resolve apportioning the Representatives on the several Counties, Towns, Plantations and Classes on the first apportionment. -
Resolve on Petition of Tomah Loui. -
Resolve in favor of Samuel Call. -
Resolve in favor of Abijah W. Thayer. -
Resolve in favor of William Ferguson. -
Resolve making compensation to James Irish, Land Agent. -
Resolve in favor of Samuel F. Hussey. -
Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to purchase fuel for the use of the State. -
Resolve making valid the doings of the town of Athens. -
Resolve authorizing the Court of Sessions for the County of Washington to borrow a certain sum of money. -
Resolve in addition to a Resolve apportioning the Representatives on the several Counties, Towns, Plantations and Classes on the first apportionment. -