Bill additional to incorporate the Proprietors of Bangor Pier Corporation 200.272.283. --- altering the times of holding the Court of Common Pleas in the County of York 202. --- to establish the Reed Ferry Company --- for the prosecution & punishment of accessories in felonies 206.254. --- defining the powers of Judicial Courts in granting reviews & for other purposes 208.219.236. --- concerning Corporations --- authorizing the town of Bangor to build a bridge over Kenduskeag Stream 211.214. --- additional relating to appeals 215.226.241. ---fir the regulation of Innholders, Retailers & Common Victuallers 215.294. --- authorizing the Selectmen of the town of Bangor to appoint a Corps of Fire Engineers --- additional relating to Bowdoin College 219. --- altering the division line between the Counties of Hancock & Washington 220.238. --- incorporating the town of Blanchard 231.241.249. --- additional to regulate the inspection of Beef & Pork --- revoking the charter of Kennebunk Bank 231.241.249. --- to incorporate the Proprietors of Carlow's Island Bridge at Eastport --- for the preservation of fish in Penobscot River & Bay 255.263. --- to incorporate the York Manufacturing Company --- to incorporate the Pleasant Pond Manufacturing Company --- for the abolition of imprisonment of Honest Debtors for debt 234.255.310.320. --- to incorporate the Proprietors of the Austin Stream Grist Mill --- additional relating to Enginemen 237.255.264. --- for the encouragement of agriculture 228. --- additional limiting the tenure of certain officers 240. --- authorizing the County Commissioners for the County of York to lay out a Highway over the tide waters of Kennebunk River 242.258.278.