172 law respecting organized plantations, that the shall support such persons as may become paupers within the limits of said plantations. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred. [Bill concerning Crows] An act repealing an act entitled "An Act to encourage the destruction of crows" came up indefinitely postponed, and the Senate concurred. [Bill enacted] The committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as truly copied from the original, "An Act altering the times of holding the Court of Common Pleas in Somerset" and the same was passed to be enacted. [An Act concerning highways] "An additional act directing the metho of laying out and making provision for the repair and amendment of Highway and providing for hte appointment of Commissioners of Highways" was read a second time and on motion of Mr Kingsbury, the same was considered by sections and after some debate said Bill was laid on the table. Adjourned. Attest, Nathaniel Sweat Littlefield Secretary