Bill - to incorporate the Kennebec Ferry Company, was read a second time & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 3d reading -
Resolve in favor of Benjamin Brown, was read a second time, but before the question of passing the same to be engrossed was taken the House Adjourned until afternoon.
Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
Resolve in favor of Benjamin Brown was again taken up & considered & refused passage in concurrence with the Senate.
Report on petition of Trustees of the Mariners Church, that the committee on the State Prison be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, and that the same be referred to the committee on the Judiciary, came down accepted in Senate for concurrence - and the House refused to concur.
The committee appointed to contract for the Job Printing for the State, reported, that they had contracted with Day & Frazer, & taken a sufficient bond to ensure the performance of the contract - and they also reported an Order in the following words viz, Ordered, That the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Senate, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and Adjutant General be directed to employ Messrs Day & Frazer of Portland in the County of Cumberland, to do the necessary printing for the State, and such as may be ordered by either House of the Legislature, until otherwise directed - which report was accepted and order passed. Sent up for concurrence
Resolve for the benefit of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary came from the Senate amended by striking out "one thousand" and inserting in lieu thereof "six hundred" for concurrence