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To the Senate and House of Representatives

It affords me pleasure to be enabled to communicate to the Legislature the information that I a m ordered y his ecxcllency the Governror of maasshetts that the sum of Four hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and forty eight dollars and twenty six cents has been receoved byu him from the general ogvernmnet towards the claim of massacyuseets gfor militia services during the last war.

I am informed by the Governor of Massachusetts that the items which have been posstponed, together with all the unliquidated portions of the account will be subject to further faithful attention under the management of the able representative of that State, to whose conduct this subject has been specially assigned.

His Excellency informs me that he has proposed to the Legislature of that commonwealth now in session an order for the payment to the State iof maine of the share to wich we are entitled by virtue of the provision in the Act of separation. it will be necessary that the Legislature of this state shouold pass a corresponding resolve authorizing the receipt of teh same into the Treasury of the State.

Council Chamber March 12, 1831 Samuel E. Smith