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93 On motion of Mr. Carey Ordered that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the appointment of a Judge and Register of Probate for that part of the County of Washington within the limits of the Northern District for the Register of Deeds sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed An Additional Resolve, respecting the North Eastern Boundary wich was finally passed - sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Lake Ordered, that Messrs Lake of Bucksport, Sproule of Waldoborough and Shed of Otisfield be a Committee with such as the Senate may join to take into consideration the expediency of repealing the law or laws prohibiting intermarriages of Citizens of this State with the Aborigines of the State. sent up for concurrence -

On motion of Mr Swett of Prospect Ordered that the Committee on Literary Institutions be directed to require of the Officers of every Literary Institution praying for aid from this Legislature, to present to that Committee an exact account of all donations by them received, whether from this State or Massachusetts, and the amount received on individual subscriptions and the manner in which the same has been expended - the salaries of their Offices the number of Scholars - the amount of tuition - their present funds - the manner of investment and any other information which the Committee may deem necessary to enable them to decide upon the claims and wants of such institutions - sent up for concurrence -

On motion of Mr Phelps The several Communications which have been received from the