199 Thursday March 3, 1831 [Report on so much of the Governor's message as relates to agriculture] Mr. Fuller from the Joint standing committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's message as relates to that subject reported a Bill which was laid on the table and ordered that 300 copies of said Bill and report be printed for the use of the Legislature. [Petition referred] The petition of Joseph Masterman was read and referred to the Joint Standing committee on Military pensions. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred. [Order] Order from the House f Representatives instructing the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of repealing an additional Act entitled an Act respecting the apportionment of clerks of the Judicial Courts passed February 21st, 1829, read and d in concurrence. [Petition referred] The petition of William Drummond and others praying to be incorporated into a Rifle company was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Militia in concurrence. The petition of the Inhabitants of Hiram for a new county, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Incorporation of Towns in concurrence. [Report on the People's Society of Waldo] Mr. Eastman from the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of the People's Society of Waldo county, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.