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Corea,Maine., Nov, I8th. , 1940. Dear Miss Macleod: I shall be sending you probably tomorrow a very rare copy of my first book of poems called TWENTY FIVE POEMS-the book is long since out of print,and I myself possess only sixty copies which were printed by the. Contact Press in Paris--which was directed by Robert McAlmon, himself a poet and at that time, had the use of money with which [letters crossed out] to print good writing. I will autograph the same for the Library and assume it will be placed in the Maine dept. of Maine authors. I must however make on e demand, that the library have it bound with some sort of stiff covers, so that it will stand more or less usage,and am pleased to present the same. My new book ANDRO COGGIN is on the press so there is hope now that it will be out soon,and fhat I will forward also as a gift as soon as I have it in hand. Also,I should like to ask your co-operation on the matter of getting some lectures in the small towns of Maine,where there is likely to be a literary or cultural unit. I have prepared two lectures to be delivered later on at the Cooper Union in New York--one has the title THE SOCIAL AND PRACTICAL VALUES OF ART---and the other is called MODERN POETRY AND THE CHANGE IN TECHNIC AL FORMS [letters crossed out] and the latter would of course have readings from the most modern among the poets,including Auden,Oscar Williams,Ruth Pitter,Abbie Huston Evans,a Maine poet and a very good one,with one or so of my own,and small touches from Marianne Moore,William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens,K enneth Fearing, Kenneth Patchen, and the like. Also Pedro Selinger [?] and Federico Garcia Lorea [?]- two great modern poets - (in translation). I have previously given lectures at the Museum of Modern Art, of New York--the A rt Student's League of N.Y., the Chicago Arts Club, the D en ver Art M useum ,and had the honor of reading m y own verses to the poetry club of Mt.Holyoke College,and was house guest of President Woolley and Jeanette M arks,who was then prof. of english there--and have just recently received an inquiry from from them as to how they can procure my three books as they are making a collection of the works of those poets who have read their verses in times past. Possibly you are in the know as to what towns have clubs of this