242 a Report, accompanied by certain Resolves, which were read once and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. [Bills & Resolves assigned for a second reading] "An additional Act respecting Sheriffs" reported by the committee on the Judiciary. "An additional Act to incorporate the Sebago and Long Pond Company, for navigation with steam boats" reported by the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. "Resolve in favor of Joel Wellington" reported by the committee on State Lands. "An additional Act regulating the fishery in the Kennebec river, near the seven mile brook in the town of Vassalborough" reported by the committee on Interior Fisheries. "Resolve in favor of David Seavey" reported by the committee on Military pensions" and "An Act to divide the town of Berwick and to incorporate the easterly part thereof into a town by the name of North Berwick" reported by he committee on the incorporation of towns, were severally read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading. [Resolve finally passed] The committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly copied from the original, a "Resolve relating to the Massachusetts claim" and the same was finally passed. Mr. Hinds had leave to read and lay on the table a Protest signed by himself and eight other members of the Senate and the same was