263 vote referring said Bill to the next Legislature, and concur the House in passing said Bill to be engrossed. [Bill to promote the sale & settlement of public lands] "An additional Act to promote the sale and settlement of the public lands" was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended, as taken into a new draft. Sent down for concurrence. [Report on a Bill respecting Innholders, &c] The select committee to whom was referred "An Act for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and Common Victuallers" reported that in their opinion said Bill ought not to pass, and the same having received a second reading was indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence. [Resolve providing for the appointment of a person to take care of a Military property of State in Portland] "Resolve providing for the appointment of a person to take care of the Military property of the State in Portland" laid on the table by Mr. Megquier was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading. [Bills in second reading] "Resolve in favor of John Hobbs" reported by the committee on Military pensions". "An Act to set off Thomas L. Brown from Wilton to Temple" reported by the committee on the Division of Towns", and a "Resolve in favor of Samuel Winter" were severally read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading. [Report on the pet. of Lemon Stockwell] Mr. Steele from the committee on the Militia reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Lemon Stockwell, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.