269 [Bill respecting Work House &c] An Act additional to the several acts now in force respecting work houses and Houses of Correction and for the punishment of common drunkards, was read a second time and passage refused. Sent down for concurrence. [Resolve in favor of John Hobbs] "Resolve in favor of John Hobbs" and a "Resolve in favor of Andrew McMillan" were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. [Bill respecting the repair of highways] "An Act additional to an act directing the method of laying out and making provision for the repair and amendments of highways" was read a second time and indefinitely postponed, in concurrence. [Petition referred] The petition of Arthur Berry and others, for an act of incorporation for a Packet Company was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals in concurrence. [Order] Order, from the House of Representatives proposing certain questions to the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, was read and passed as taken into a new draft. Sent down for concurrence. [Resolve relating to abolition of slavery] "Resolve relating to the abolition of slavery" came up from the House indefinitely postponed. The Senate recede from their vote passing said Resolve to be engrossed and concur the House in the indefinite postponement thereof. [Bill to prevent the destruction of pickerel in Pushaw Lake] An Act to prevent the destruction of Pickerel in Pushaw Lake in the towns of Dutton, Kirkland and Orono, n the county of Penobscot". "An Act to prevent the filling up and destruction