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Tuesday January 12th 1830.

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr Smith of Newfield Ordered, That a committee of one from each County be appointed to prepare and report a list of members of this House, the town or Class which each represents and the number of the seat which each occupies, and report the same to the House - read & passed and Messrs Smith of Newfield, Mann of Gorham, Linnen of Georgetown, Hutchinson of Buckfield, McGaffy of Mt Vernon, Patterson of Strong, Clark of Levant, Snow of Frankfort, Crabtree of Vinalhaven, & Butterfield of Machias Port were appointed said committee.

Remonstrance of William Thing & others against the election of Andrew Roberts returned as a member from Waterboro', was read & referred to the Committee on Elections

Mr Boutelle of Waterville moved the following Order - " Whereas it was officially made known to this House, on the first day of its session, by the Secretary of State, that he had laid the lists of votes for Governor before the members of the Senate - and whereas it is not known to this House, that any measures have been taken to examine said Votes, in consequence of which the public business is delayed - Therefore, Ordered that a message be sent to the members of the Senate requesting them to send to this House the lists of votes for Governor, in order that the same may be examined according to the provisions of the Constitution"

Mr Smith of Nobleboro moved a postponement of the order until half past nine oclock tomorrow morning and this question was decided in the negative by Yeas & Nays as follows Yeas 71 Nays 73 [ see appendix page 253.] After further consideration of the subject of the order on motion of Mr Ruggles, of Thomaston, the order was laid upon the table.