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142 assigned for a second reading.

The Secretary of State came in and laid upon the table the following written Message from the Governor, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

 In compliance with the request of the House of Representatives to be punished with the information that may be in my possession in relation to the Acts and doings of the Managers and others acting by virtue of the laws authorizing certain Lotteries in this State; I herewith transmit a copy of the Report of the Canal made on the 31st day of December last in relation to the accounts and proceedings of the managers if the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Lottery and also a copy of a communication from the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, who were requested by the Council to give an opinion upon certain questions of Law which arose in course of the investigation.
A copy of this Report has been communicated to the Managers of the Lottery and S H Mudge who claims to be a party interested has replied through his attorney by a petition, a copy of which is herewith transmitted.
 The Lottery for the benefit of a Bridge at Sullivans Ferry was granted by the Legislature. March 7 1826 and by sundry reports of the Council subsequently made it appear that the Managers had in the opinion of the Council of 1827, exceeded the amount authorized to be raised by this Lottery by the sum of $538.76 and by a resolve of the Legislature of that year, the Treasurer of the State was directed to cause the bond of the Managers to be put in suit and prosecuted to final judgement. The decision of the Court was in favor of the Managers and they proceeded to drew other Classes of the Lottery by which the sum of $826.33 was raised, exclusive of