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December 4, 1940

Mr. Marsden Hartley Corea Maine Dear Mr. Hartley: Thank you for your letter of December 2. We did receive your graciously inscribed copy of TWENTY-FIVE POEMS, and also Miss Spencer's book. We are of course particularly proud to be able to add the poems to the Maine Author Collection, and take note of what you say regarding the binding. We will see that a serviceable and attractive binding is put on to protect the little book against time and visitors. How delightful to know that ANDROSCOGGIN is finally really off the pressl We are again placing the title on our order list, and this time, assured by you who have held a copy in your hands, we feel certain that we will be able before long to include a copy for lending purposes in the State Library. VVe hope to have an inscribed one for the Maine Author Collection. Will that be possible? We anticipate with pleasure reading your latest work, and we take this opportunity to congratulate you upon its publication. May it live long and enjoy popularity!