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[S] Senate called to order 2 Secretary of the Senate elected and qualified 3 Smith Abdijah chosen Councillor 17, acceptance 53, qualified 55 Secretary of State elected 18, acceptance 22 22 " " ordered to notify councillors of their election 17 Smith Samuel E. proclaimed Governor 20 State Treasurer chosen 32, acceptance 89 89 " " annual report of 44 State prison - report of the inspectors of 51 """ of the warden of 63 " " an additional act regulating the 193, 202, 208 " " resolve relative to the officers of 254 258 273 State printing, order relative to 62, 100 Stetson, town of, incorporated 67, 78, 108 State valuation, committee on appointed 48 "" resolve establishing a 287, 308, 309 """ correcting the 298, 306, 307 Stationary resolve for the purchase of 297 State tax, an act to apportion and assess 306, 315 Senators elect, appeared 1 " called to order 2 qualified by the governor 2 " returns of votes for late on the table 5 " order relative to seats of 5 " report of the committee on votes for 13 Senate president of, elected 2 Secretary of state read the titles of acts and resolves 320 State house at Augusta, relative to 66, 239, 246 State Lands, relative to 261, 264, 279, 285 Secretary of the Senate, compensation for completing journal 293 """" authorized to appoint an assistant 4