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[136] of the 26th instant relating to the Jurisdiction of certain Justices of the Peace and the clerk by message acquainted the Senate therewith.

On motion by Mr Paris of Buckfield

Ordered that the Committee on Literary Institutions be instructed to require of every Literary Institution requesting aid of this Legislature, to render to that committee an account of their present state of funds and the manner of investment the amount o fall donations and subscriptions from individuals and the manner in which the same has been expended that the committee may be better enabled to decide upon the justice of those claims - read and passed sent up for concurrence.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence requesting the Governor to communicate to the Legislature the Report of the Commissioners in the North Eastern Boundary appointed under the Resolve of March 8 1832 if the same has been received by him with any other documents which he may deem proper and as soon as the same can in his judgment be communicated consistently with the public good - read and passed in concurrence

Petition of abijah smith, for measure of compensation as agent on the Canada Road - came up from the Senate referred to the Committee on State Roads for concurrence - and the House concurred. Sent up