Resolve in favor of Samuel Call and John Wilkins was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheet amended - sent up for concurrence -
Resolve - relating to the Baring and Houlton Road, laid on the table by Mr Chase of Calais was read a first time and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading -
Bill - to incorporate the Piscataquis Mutual Insurance Company - was read a third time as taken into a new draft, the amendment of the Senate adopted - further amended as on sheet [squiggle] marked A and passed to be engrossed as they amended sent - up for concurrence -
Petition of Cummings Paine and others for an act authorizing them to make certain improvements in the navigation in Penobscot River
- of Simon Page and others for an Act to regulate the rate of toll in the Hallowell Horse Ferry Boat Company - were severally read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence -
Petition of James Thomas for an Act to incorporate the Penobscot Stage Company - was read and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of towns - sent up for concurrence -
An Order came from the Senate, which passed this House on the 24th instant - instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to enquire into the expediency of embodying into one Act the several acts and parts of Acts relating to ferries field drivers and im-