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268 Bill in addition to an Act for the regulation of Innholders Retailers and Common victuallers, was read a third time and indefinitely postponed, sent up for concurrence

Bill to incorporate the East Somerset Agricultural Society was passed to be engrossed as taken into a new draft in concurrence with the Senate The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed. Resolve admitting Wm Woart Jr to practice law in the Courts of the State, which was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Ossipel Agricultural Society, laid on the table by Mr Clifford was read three times and and the House noncur in the amendment proposed by the Senate, and pass the same to be engrossed without amendment, sent up for concurrence.

Resolutions respecting the Tariff were read a second time and upon motion to lay the same on the table and assing tomorrow afternoon at four oclock for the consideration, the question was taken by yeas and nays and decided in the negative as follows, Yeas 53 Nays 83 And the same being under discussion Mr Knowlton called for "the previous question" and the question upon sustaining the call was taken by Yeas and Nays, and decided in the affirmative as follows Yeas 79 Nays 50 The question upon passing the Resolutions to be engrossed was taken by yeas and nays and decided in the affirmative as follows Yeas 87 Nays 50

Bill to incorporate the Lincoln County Agricultural Society, came from the the Souale passed to be engrosses as taken into a new draft, and the House adopt the new draft and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence.