Committee on parishes in concurrence.
[Pet. refered] The petition of Nathaniel Haskell, praying for a grant of land in consideration of services rendered the State, read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on State lands in concurrence.
The petition of Adam Weed, to be set off from Thorndike and annexed to Knox, read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the division of Towns in concurrence.
The petition of the town of Kingfield, praying that their doings may be made valid, read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence with the House.
The petition of the Inhabitants of Columbia praying for a fish law in said town, read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Interior fisheries in Concurrence.
The petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Phillips, praying for a seperate [separate] proportion of representation. " of the town of Kingfield for the same privilege. " of the Selectmen of Strong, for the same privilege " and of the town of Freeman for the same privilege. were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the apportionment of Representatives in Concurrence.
The petition of Jedediah Adams and others, to be incorporated into a new Town.