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�4 -nia river. we stoped there abought 2 hours for some other trains of cars to pass us. and then we started again for Baltimore in Maryland.

    We arrived at Baltimore at sunset. changed cars again it took us from sunset till 3 oclock the next morning to it ready to start again
    March 24th  Started this morning at daylight for Washington. arrived in Washington at 1 oclock all safe and sound. unloaded the cars. fed and watered our horses. and then we went and got something to eat for ourselves for we was pretty hungrey. we got something to eat and

5 then we went and saddled up our horses. and stated for our camping ground abought one mile east of the city. on a place called Capital Hill. a very pretty place and in full view of the city.

    We got into camp abought dark. watered our horses and fed them. put them in some stables. and then camped or the night in the stables by the sides of our horses. I slept very cold. for it was rather a cool night.
    March 25th  We