Milton, town of incorporated 113.119.122. Major General, time appointed for choice of 241 Major General 2d Division Alfred Marshall chosen 247. Message to the Governor requesting his attendance to qualify new members 6. " " informing him of the organization of the House 7. " " informing him of choice of Speaker pro tem 219. Message, general from the Governor (appendix) 1. " special " " Message to the Senate informing them of organization of the House 7. " from the Senate informing the House of their organization 8. " to the Senate concurring 19. " from the Senate proposing a convention to choose Councillors 20.70. " to the Senate concurring 20.70. " from the Senate proposing convention to qualify Councillors 57.85.122. " to the Senate concurring 57.85.122. " from the Senate relative to death of Hon. B. Pike 60. " from the Senate proposing a convention to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon B. Pike 84. " to the Senate concurring 84. " from the Senate informing the House that Homer Porter was appointed to fill vacancy on Joint Standing Committee occasioned by the death of Hon. B. Pike 92. " from the Senate proposing convention to choose Treas of State 97.148. " to the Senate concurring 97.148. " the Senate informing them of the choice of Speaker pro tem 218. " from the Senate with confidential communication from Gov 226. " from the Senate informing the House of their choice of Secy pro tem 218. " from the Senate appointing conferees 230. " to the Senate concurring 231. " from the Senate informing the House of choice of Maj Gen 2d Division on their part 244. " from Senate relative to Resolve in favor of Wm. Vance 239. " from Senate relative to Bill to prevent fraud in Ins. of Fish 279.284. " from Senate relative to adjournment sine die 294.