next at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill for the preservation of the roads was read a second time, and committed to Messrs Porter, Smith, and Groton.
Mr Ingalls, from the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canals, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Levi L. Totman, read and passed. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr. Davee, from the committee on the Incorporation of towns, reported reference to the next Legislature on the petition of Abraham Morrill and others, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
The report of the committee on State reads on the petition of Leonard Peirce granting leave to withdraw, came up from the House accepted for concurrence, and the Senate concur.
Mr. Merrill, from the committee on the Division of towns, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Thomas Bartlett and others, Jonathan Pickard, and petition of Ira Witham, severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.