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�8 9 oclock and marched through the city of Washington in a north western direction for Harpers Ferry 65 miles from Washington. we came abought 23 miles today and camped on the ground without enything over us but our blankets and the heavens . there was a heavy thunder shower in the night and it rained pretty hard. I rested very well and slept pretty sound

    March 31st  We started again this morning at 6 oclock and it is still cloudy but does not rain. but the roads are very muddy

9 and bad. we marched abought 22 miles to day and came to Fredrick[?] City a place in Maryland. we got there abought 2 oclock in the after noon. There we found sheds for our horses and ourselves after our horses was taken care of. I went through the city. and saw what I could see. There is a general Hospital here for sick and wounded Soldiers there is abought 150 wounded soldiers here wounded in the battle of Winchester.