290 The same Committee reported as duly engrossed, Bill to prevent fraud in the Inspection of Fish, __ relative to the assessment and collection of Taxes, were severally passed to be enacted. sent-up.
The same Committee reported as duly engrossed Resolve making appropriation for certain Military purposes __ authorizing the Governor to procure the liberation of Robert Shapleigh, which were severally finally passed. sent up
Resolve relating to a demand against Joseph Southwick, came from the senate they adhering to their vote passing the same to be engrossed as amended, and the House reconsider their vote passing the Resolve to be engrossed & recede from their vote nonconcurring in the amendment passed by the Senate, adopt the amendment proposed by the Senate and pass the Resolve to be engrossed as amended in concurrence.
Bill establishing the Jurisdictional limits of towns, came from the Senate they adhering to their vote passing the same to be engrossed, and the House recede from their vote postponing the Bill indefinitely, and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence.
Mr Kent moved the following order Ordered, That the injunction of Secrecy be taken off in relation the proceedings of this House in the several secret sessions heretofore held, and that the Clerk be directed to transfer the Records on the Secret Journal to the Journal of the House, and to publish the same in the State paper at length for the information of the good people of this State. On motion this order was transferred to the secret Journal, and the House went into secret session.
After the Close the secret Session.