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May 12, 1954

Mrs. Henry Beston Chimney Farm Nobleboro, Maine Dear Elizabeth Coatsworth: When you dip your pen in magic, and give us books like THE ENCHANTED and MOUNTAIN BRIDE, I hold my breath, hoping that they will seem to a world of readers with bold appetites to be the gems they really are. These have such a delicate appeal that they may not find the wide audience they deserve, but those who do like this kind of book cannot help but cherish the experience of your interpretations. Whether read as an allegory, an old myth in new clothes, or just "an incredible tale", MOUNTAIN BRIDE has an individual charm and personality, and I do hope ever so many people will buy it and read it and like it -- and tell you so. We are already taking care of buying our lending copies tor traveling libraries and bookmobile. May the Maine Author Collection hope for this lovely book to add to your others? Sincerely yours In Charge of Maine Author Collection hmj