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. .... In Janun.ry by bus from .Eli.fast to !few ·York n.nd by plane to Puerto _Rico in the eccn.pe p~.tte:rn (going to Gurm1,eoin e; to Aur:trnlia ),t::ettiri.s job !'!'~t San Juan to tc0.ch e:n;S1ifJh in the interior at C:?.ctc:.-:er .Often recall .!lQW five ycHr:: l<1.tcr. the crcn.t ].Jef'..ce of not being ~nveetiga ted, quizzed, exe...rnined, clarJsifieL1 ., trapped, gori8i]'.}ed about, :the same from the native .

peoplec a..11.d a fevr mainl::i.11ders from The Chri :-:ti&."l J3rothers. Jungle gro?tth,

i;Jpountnin o :proc1uccd "the asrth.ina of G-ue.rn PJ'ld strc.in fi·om my T'orter uncles forclimg fact d.q,8.Jture aft;er r:dx weeks by pln.ne to Iilinmi after tryine to a~e 1!:JJ1:.er ..... , hi::; book rZJ.Uf:HYWU f'or the }?trnrto }~icnn Govermaen t in ,~:.rui Juan, h~_tJ:-imi dj:tbmg o.:nd P. fine rn.en:!.ory from 1::y clP-yc in r·r:i.nceton durine the war. Li·ved in a super chea:p, bug ridden dive hotel P.t 120 North Eant 6th ~.:treet , i'rom Jr.11u.o..ry 25 to Ju.n.e 18 goine out d~.iJ.y v·i::i 11resn pass to the great .. I fQ,j::.i:r.cy of' !l.1 .cr:!.c~.:>1. cuJ.t·nre., tho cm:1.ventio n route,Ei:rru nj,,t'.in.ni Ber.ch.. J !°,?~-~-. D}1~~e:fS'-I);Q~T~ns, ~1"~.~ . OJ~ t~1~ CU.I! 7 l\.(l.'!tp.:t:•od /Iol~y;rood agen1 111.t .... ..,_, ..,c, .. ~1.:J.1.1 ..... ·.,1.t.t:.,C .,.J..L, .•• c ...... o.... ..,30,, or uh Lol.i.,.rood .rho $.¢>Jd. r..,fl:r:.y of :rriy • • ., I • • • • • •. " ,1 CQlJO:I:lCrCJ.P,.i HT"C.J.C .. 88 b JE'oe.'J.'.11.lll.Hg :tn l nrch or f'O ~.J."l.Q 021 ,l,'t . . . li.nrOU{s.1.1 to t:i5 1 a • pleai-m.:n.t co21rtec·I,io n vro..nin.g muchly though in Hu.ntDvilJ. e ;,..tnd.er other prern:::uror:.Acc;_·.lir·c<l r1n:ny glocwy print })hoto0 nr: n. :prGf':O lt.::cnt, :·)~;me to ,be- come pnrt of' ln.ter creri:tive \7ork. for Dick Hi&:gine, et. r-i.l.pl:u.s inte;r.er-rt in J sron.e .P.s ~:i iicu.iu.m o:f v,orking ·. out ere a ti v-e. id.er:rn ••• e2.riier . convei ved ¢.uring ' Circle days. I:ir'li8X'Vit:Nrnd i:n Llio.r.1i by J?ode;i:-n.l \loctrj.c Coi1 loratiio11 for a 'job neP,r Atlc;n-cic Ci t~r v1hich \70U.ld Uf3e. nome phynic::: n.:n.d.. oxp2rio:nc es v7i th CollinG Haclio in Venezuela. P...nd Civil Aeronu.n.t ics in Ala::ika.'..le nt north on "110.~.. ."10·...._ _ n . _~. -'-~- " 1· C· C· i· t· ti . Ct.......... d·; ;J ....... n + ~.t:1 "".,,l.r. ._· "{;' . .,. . < '.l1n , ... e· ·'c11"' r·i a"' C·· C n. r c~ ·1 c::w ?: r, \ _.V .J..U "Ot r.,'. . . . •"v'.· O·· r.t :' . 11· - ... . ' _ .. ._ took the opport1.1..nity to be a t;rnirdng. opecir-1.J.is t f\1i the l'o.rnr.111.::1 pJ.Bnt, com."!lttting daily ·from nearby Wal.d,11ick.l Pi~et 'income. in :four yer:trG 8.nd beginning 0£ a rich crer'..tive l)qriod. +~?;t:il1€ thro1.~h to J\u1e 19Gtr (fror:i June 1962). Collected work done :f'or-C±rpJ. ~ ;l:P,.der ,ti tlc Circle: I Rep:rod.u.c tiono o:f Art Work, 194ti-...1947.Woi-JtEf~,'T~;th John Moore on his Longitude uncllr1titu de of ·Heney litille:r,'IJ.W.L,l:f: ·· ~"'li, o:f Ifon:cy being u.sed • . Riacoi vecl i.."YJ. the :fD,11 one dollar, shoes;coa:fJ{'. :11, ,,~~- ,1')40~9?, ri, clin.ry :from the ,vi11 nnd' e~ta.te of rny father. l3~gan cSMathews (talk)W~~ ,,11C¢~jji th J3ro7r.n, Yale, and ., ;,1.f;Cv.m 01"' I:odern Which later xe.eµli;~d.} ~li ..... ,,,.,, '.),.f ~'t';.~rJ;.er ,rbeing acquired by .their li1Jl"aries •.. J)gan col.lerru;-b~\-t,tJ •P.<>il.'byJ.;n(l•p.pntinuec1 one as the master n.t UCLA. ViBits to Ee\] York·li~lip M'.;,iiiet',f SMathews (talk).>·Bro, ;n1 of Int;;:cc:ol1 cgiatc .r'\.lm::.11i cln.;yo n.nd revini ted cites a.l/ong:l,tuc1pQl'l Jliver. He8.Y;'" T!lf"l,i1 for 13.1' •.Books seeming to revive o.nd. co11.tinued. VJ'ith Ru:t;le(lge on occ?,:.·olon al, oven runazing Enlc!:rnte rvievred frequentl y 'by J.oca1 prese;beg an . \vork on the mos v,hich would cover the :fa::r'i; trip to Hev1:f'oundl a.nd in 1~60 . for f.r:srica.:1 ~3pecch r.nd CoJ:um.biA. m.'liversi ty.Inotru. ction at PeclDral Electric invol"tcd tr2.:Lni11g ·:rnrbJri:·, inctri.llerD , opcra:torB for the '. .. trn:1:iegic J\.ir Comm.an, of U. ':::. Air 1.i·o:rce with 1.1...'1c.1.orgro1..1...11d bases at. bases thllo1..1.ghout the country. Con~dderi ng my wn.2.r of lif'c ovor the years--m'.'i.Ii over :plen.ned wit~ A. secret clee.rance granted by the I~rt; Army of New York. on novemeber 21, 1962





J.. ..._~



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ccted r.'l.e.rr.bor n...."l.d Ncw Jersey rcp:,i:crnen tative of the ,neric?.11 ':.ociety of :P::cogr::..med Instructio n. J?rodu.ccd for the CO!.!lJ?r:>,.:n;f by thiD m,ethod n.nd for

,--t·u·1,:-:.,·i1: ·u,··"' 1111r.:i:;,. .;.'1'""'-ii··, ...., ,,.,,,n:nce 11 ·urog-rP::1e0 Text, 11 uA:Lis·t of lqrplicnbl e ....,.....i . . t_.,.... ,.. .• Publicn.tio nr3, 465L" '.='Jld 11I·:.n,thcr,1n.ticr~ for -P1ectroni os, the first t-;70 1:1.l')J.JCn.rine in ~ ~d the J.~tor n~t until 1965. J:r?mRted b~ th,~ .art~ ~?ing 11 thJ:.~o\l·Tll a:li wor1: I procm.ced D..i., home. "Da.>r J.,otec ..1.or l>.ocher ,1.a111ve id1)hbet, '.,I 11 Scig1 .~f'f'i ti "for 1964 p1J.b1icati on. . i:.runple book :from 1?ofk 1?i:n.ders :?.r~ive~ to become in 64 thG volume 11 ALOil0 11 .Correc:po ndence wrt.u Ditor Rot,d1str1 .bution of his boo}:s. :Boxes stored in Il:a.ine for 15 years a.rrived;ma -'vc~rials therefro!l Gent to collectio ns nt UCL\, Colby ruid llaine Author in Aucusta. Collectio n of works by James Joyce ru1d. Ger"'lirfrude Stein were nold along .;..:,

U..:_,J . ...,








J0c~;SMathews (talk)
